Saturday, October 17, 2015

Stayzilla - A new way to socialize

Internet is said to create a new world for human beings. This so called virtual world is so addictive that it has give a whole new face to escape from day to day life. People are missing out various opportunity to exchange experience on face-to-face basis.

Stayzilla has tried to use the virtual world to connect people. There has been a lot of advertisement which ask people to disconnect to connect. The addiction of virtual world has made people to miss out a lot of opportunity that pass by, in front of eyes. The irony of Stayzilla is that it has used the virtual platform to create some real life connection. This kind of connection has enormous impact as its scalable and people are able to reach people who don't have any connection in between like that of used in lead generation in case of LinkedIn.

The Stayzilla app is a feather touch steering of a Mercedes and move with your hand in line with you and hacks into the mind of traveller. You needn't login to search your abode for stay. Stayzilla, based on the the input given about oneself, finds out the perfect matching profile of stay through it's roboust underwriting. There is also an option to make new buddies who matches your interests. This can further lead to the traveller and his buddy to share a room at stayzilla hotel and splitting the amount, making the stay more affordable too. At last, not least, one can take souvenir for his/her staybuddy.

The front look of the app is so simple and apt that it tempts you to surf through. The text distribution and tabs are available for all possible requirement, which doesn't make you go to desktop website for certain functionality.

So, used the Stayzilla app and #StayConnected #StayZilla

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