Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The day I fall for her...

It's a good memory; probably the best till date; then why would somebody want to ruin it? I don't know what ruined things between us -  I'm still searching even if I'm sure, I'll not be able to find it! It was such a beautiful start on a Friday night with seafood. And then we just clicked - yes we did! You mixed and matched items and introduced me to the lovely street-food. Although I'm a big fan myself in India but was scared to try due to a friend's company; but when you arrived in my life's journey, things changed! I had a companion - who is a true copy - who feels the same way - who is the one -  and what not. Whatever I say now will be less as the feeling of connection will always have linguistic constraints. I love each moment of time that I spent with you - each second was magical in it's own world. You agreed to follow us the next day. It was such a great feeling to be your cushion. Nobody has yet cleaned my face with tissue. I know, it's a small thing but it's not - at least for me. People say, it's a small world - NOOO - it's a lost world. People can get lost. They meet and the very next moment they are gone. I tried and failed to restore, but I can't regret that I didn't try and what if I tried. Life is not fair always and it's ok not to be. People start living for whatever share of fairness they have. That feeling of click may be of 2 days but at least it came to me. Buddha said, the basis of happiness is affliction. The affliction that I have received after parting from you will either give me more happiness in future or it will always remain an un-quenched thrust. The idea of Buddha in telling this story was not to go after such things but, what can I do, I'm just a human being - a mere imperfect animal; otherwise I would have been a Buddha! The following night when I did what you said, you said that changed your perspective about me and that's why the next morning, even when you were very tired, you agreed to come along and I respect that; and I too returned as quickly as possible so that you don't stretch! I know I didn't do much for you that day as my friend got annoyed with me and you said me previous night that you were joking for getting married tomorrow. If I ask for anything, that will be very less. I'll just keep the earring which has touched your ears and try to speak to it, so that someday; you listen to me. My heart urns to think this way but it's the realty giving a tight slap on the face. Probably, I should take it as a dream world - it's just that I can't forget after I wake up. But you were the real gem that I lost. May you always be playful and get another punching bag. Chaah... Chaah.. Chaah... Why not?

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